Dear RIM,
Happy New Year! I've missed you, but it was finals, and though I would much rather spend all my time on my BlackBerry, I had a lot of Finance to learn. After a relaxing holiday though, I'm back! Anyway, let's get to business.
As with all communication intensive holidays, New Years brought to light another BlackBerry hang-up; this time it was pictures. With the rise of Facebook and now Twitter and Flickr, we are used to being able to see pictures instantaneously. In fact, one of the great things about BBM is that it probably the fastest way to send a picture to somebody. It is certainly must faster than using MMS, and without the
thread discontinuation issue. So even though this New Years Eve everybody seemed to be spread all over the country (because LA is just soo uncool) I still got regular multi-media updates.
But there is one inexplicable inconsistency with photo sharing over BBM. Sometimes, when somebody sends you a picture, you can "Preview" it and it just shows it to you. But other times, you have to download it in order to see it at all! Why?!
There are two things that are annoying about this. One is that sometimes you have to wait a whole 40 seconds to see a picture and only for it to get automatically saved on your phone and then you have to delete it. The second annoying thing is that you can't tell the difference between the actions of sending a picture that can be previewed and one that can only be downloaded.
Furthermore, there is no reason to have these two different methods, particularly when there is one that gives you both options of previewing and directly downloading. There are times when more is more and this is one of them. It is possible that I am missing something very obvious here, but the other option is that this is just a design hang-up in BlackBerry Messenger. Either way, if there is something that can't be easily figured out (I couldn't get an example of the download-only picture even if I wanted to) and it has no apparent additional usefulness, it shouldn't exist. The is the Google Age, and now that the precedent of intuitive functionality has been set, those who can't keep up will ultimately be unusable by the children of iEverything.
RIM, please make it so there is only one way that pictures are received, with both the Preview and Accept (which should be renamed to Download anyway, but I guess its nice because we BlackBerry users love to feel elitist) options available.
Tara Raffi
Instantaneous Enthusiast
Below is a screenshot of the way it should always be (thanks Sah). I would have posted a picture of the other way, but I have no idea how to.
2/28: I found an example!! It's the opposite way (above Im receiving a picture, below I am sending one, but still, Rebecca didn't get what I got to see above. Her options were just Download or Reject, or whatever)