Thursday, April 28, 2011

Matchstick Message #47: Alarms Should be Easy To Use, Especially For People Who Are Not Fully Awake

fromTara Raffi
toStudent Information Requests
dateThu, Apr 28, 2011 at 1:28 AM
subjectMatchstick Message #47: Alarms Should be Easy To Use, Especially For People Who Are Not Fully Awake

Dear RIM,

The Alarm interface has four input fields in the following order: hour, minute, AM/PM, and On/Weedkdays/Off.

Now, if you were to make a bet on where BlackBerry decided to put the cursor upon entering this field, which field would you choose? Well, the most sensible choice for them would have been to put it all the way to the left, so that you can easily access the fields that most often need changing: hour and minute.

The least sensible choice would be one of the middle options, because then you would have to scroll to one direction and then back all the way to the other side in order to access all the fields. Based on the inefficiencies I have pointed out repeatedly in this blog, you may be tempted to put your money on this option. But NO! BlackBerry has thrown another twist in the game to be inconsistent even in the degree of their irrational decision making.

The cursor starts all the way to the RIGHT (as pictured above). Now, this is just annoying. Why should I have to scroll through On/Weekdays/Off and AM/PM in order to change the time???? On/Weekdays/Off is pretty much a constant setting--I don't expect most people change this EVERY time they set their alarm. Similar reasons apply to the AM/PM option (mainly because most people set alarms in AM denominated time slots). So WHYY should we have to scroll through those just to get to the time fields? The trackball is so wavery that I invariably end up changing one or both of those relatively constant options, and then I need to go back and fix it. Or worse, I accidentally set my alarm for 7:55 PM instead of AM. And nobody believes the story that your BlackBerry made you late, trust me.

So please, change the cursor so it starts off in the hour field. If we wanted to practice thumb agility there are other ways to accomplish that.


Tara Raffi

Punctuality Enthusiast


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